Colorado Adventure Engagement Photography Session in Keystone, Colorado


Colorado Adventure Engagement on Lake Dillon and the top of Keystone Photography Session

This Colorado adventure all started in the dead of winter when Christian called me saying he was going to propose to Elle on top of a mountain at Arapahoe Basin! I was so thrilled to photograph a proposal… BUT… we got hit with so much snow! It’s the first time in history I was trapped in by avalanches! There was no one going anywhere and everything was closed, except for Keystone. Christian really wanted ALL of their family members there and it was only ONE day it could happen. And the experience of a powder day proposal with ALL of their family was priceless! Thank goodness another photographer was found for the epic day. So, the proposal session turned into the adventure engagement session in the summer time!

Christian and Elle made this photography engagement session a real adventure in the mountains! We started out on Lake Dillion on a boat! Yep, a boat in the middle of the lake! It was so much fun to cruise around the lake and pop some champagne! This is usually what their weekends consist of, so they are right at home on the water!

Then we went back to the top of the mountain where the big proposal happened! The scenery of the mountains and the lake down below were just perfect. They spend time here every year together and scooping in for long weekend in the summer was a huge contrast from when they were here this winter.

Adventure engagement sessions are all very different but they all have a couple in love with an adventurous sole. Congratulations, Christian & Elle!