Colorado Summer Mountain Elopement on Loveland Pass
Colorado’s Loveland Pass Summer Mountain Elopement
Rachel & Justin’s Elopement in the mountains of Colorado was a grand adventure. We decided to pick out three locations with three different mountain features. We picked out a spot above tree line, a mountain lake and a swift waterfall. All three put together make for one epic morning in the mountains.
The altitude was getting to Rachel & Justin but that didn’t slow us down! We met up on the top of the mountain at sunrise to get the day started. A little pit stop along the way to get some more coffee and snacks then off to the lake. The waterfall location also had a grand dirt road that made things a little more interesting.
Eloping to me is a celebration of love! They were officially married the day before with a small ceremony at home then flew out to elope and vacation in Colorado. I just love that white water rafting, hiking, ghost tours and exploring were all on the list while they were vacationing!